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The Social Media Freight Train (In The Nonprofit)

Ah. It’s good to be home. Isn’t it? Especially when a trip goes beyond your expectations!

Yes, The non profit Certification program was great. DC was great, Georgetown was great. It was insanely great. Total immersion. 10 days of comprehensive insight into the individual and nonprofit sector as a whole. We ended with David Williamson’s instructions on Marketing and Communications:


We know that social media is freight train. You be the judge if it’s a runaway freight train or not. Actually, doesn’t really matter. Some say that your opinion will be obsolete by the time you read this sentence.

Kathy Kretman runs the program at Georgetown of which Social Media was just one section. 

The others were:

The Sector as a Whole: Pablo Eisenberg

Governance & Strategic Planning: Michela Perrone

Program Evaluation & Private-Nonprofit Partnerships: Beatriz Boccalandro

Negotiation Strategies: Peter Reilly

Resource Development: Valeria Lassister

Financial Management: Michael Gellman

Volunteer Management: Curtis Cannon

Advocacy in Public Interest: Gary Bass

Like learning a new language (most of the above, I need a lot of help with. Hence: STAFF!), Immersion was best for me. And the info that I got for the last coupe of weeks will be emerging over the summer.

But I couldn’t not post the video. 

With all that, it’s great to be home,

Your friend in Woody Creek,

Anita Thompson


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