"Well Anita, she knows more."
– George McGovern.
Hi. Sorry I haven’t checked in since the Film Fest. I’ve had friends and family in town during the Xgames: Hunter’s editors and execs from ESPN. Had a nice dinner with John Walsh, then spent some time with my sweetheart Paul Oakenfold whom I haven’t seen since we worked together a few years ago with Hunter in L.A. It’s been a very busy few weeks as I prepare to study abroad in Geneva for a semester, finish the manuscript, watch the most amazing Super Bowl since 1972…. Hey, 1972…that reminds me… I promised you I would tell you about what George McGovern thinks about the candidates for this election.
As I wrote before, we had a nice long phone talk after the premier of Alex’s Gibney documentary about Hunter. You are well aware that Hunter spent the rest of his career looking for a politician that even resembled George McGovern. He and Hunter shared a political view and friendship that lasted to the end. You know from my blog that I’ve supported Hillary for over a year now, but when I didn’t have Hunter to turn to for political advice, I turned to our beloved senator.
For some dumb reason, like laziness, I just assumed that he was on the Obama bandwagon. NO! He fully supports and has endorsed Hillary. George has been in this game for many years and knows a thing or two about Washington politics. When I asked him why he endorsed her, he said in his melodious voice, “Well Anita, she knows more.” I smiled. Then he went on to say how she knows more about domestic policy and politics. She knows more about International Policy and politics. She is better equipped and the better person to take the white house for the democrats than Obama. Despite the glamour and glitz beaming out of Obama’s speeches and endorsements, he’s not ready yet. We both share a love for Obama, and both agreed that we hope he would be president in 8 years.
Simple. So, tomorrow, I’m going to caucus for our girl, Senator Hillary Clinton, and hope the rest of her supporters do too.
Some people have written me arrogant emails claiming they know who Hunter would have supported. Hunter believed recovery is one of the most important characteristics for any human being. Hillary is a come-back kid if there ever was one. She’s been bashed and beaten for 35 years yet remains compassionate, passionate and tough as nails. I doubt Hunter would have been madly in love with Hillary (they had their personal differences), but McGovern gives us a pretty big clue as to who the best candidate is. Hunter isn’t here to write this, but we have his books, interviews and memories to give us a clue as to who he would be supporting today, reluctantly or not.
Here is a brief bit of interview out of the upcoming book of interviews. This is from 1972. A radio interview with an excerpt about McGovern:
Jerry Williams (radio interviewer): Well, this is the way I look at it. He couldn’t have possibly put this together without the one issue – the war – as the center and core…
HST: No… I think one of his main problems, which is also one of his main strengths, is the fact McGovern is a vehicle for a lot of people who have different notions, like me. And he’s barely acceptable to me. I like him, personally. I think he’s a good, very straight politician. For a politician, he’s one of the most honest people I’ve ever seen.
Until next time, your friend,
Anita Thompson
P.s. Recently I was talking to my mom about so much Hillary bashing regarding the amount of money she takes from corportations for her campaign. My mom replied with "Well, I doubt Mr. Obama gets his money from his grandma in Kenya."
She’s right. Check out Sunday’s NYTimes article explaining Obama’s too-close relationship with the power companies. Since he’s been taking their money (particularly Exelon) and staff members to his campaign, gee, his legislation turned out supporting power company polution tactics instead of protecting the people. Sounds like he needs some time to learn to stand up to these companies while still working with them.
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