Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Fat Idiot
The good thing about having Rush Limbaugh as one of the primary spokespersons for the Behemoth Right, is that he represents rot and gluttony in one package. But it’s time to send another message to his advertisers. I hope his own mouth just got himself fired… again.
When a Georgetown Law student testified before Congress to protest rightwing attacks to limit women’s access to birth control, Rush Limbaugh called her a "slut" and a "prostitute." The advertisers on Rush Limbaugh’s show financially support his attacks on women. Time to let click here
An excellent book about the jerk is by Al Franken:
Al Franken, titled, Rush Limbaugh is a big fat idiot .
It’s one of the first non-fiction political books I’d read in my life (i was early twenties), and laughed out loud it was so good. Check it out if you can.
Your friend, Back from a good weekend,
Anita Thompson