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Welcome to the Year of the Dragon and other Miscelanea

Yes. new year. Thank god. And it’s the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine. The Mayan Calendar is going to turn over, they say, on Dec 20, 2012. That seems logical — that is over month after the end of what is already a nauseating Presidential Campaign. So after that, things will have to get better.

Although the Middle East is still upside down, the capital P Protester made person of the year in Time Magazine. The protester of the Arab Spring, Athens, Occupy Wall Street, to Moscow… It’s a beautiful thing to let freedom ring…

More beautiful things:

2 years to the date,  Sean Penn and Father Rick Fachette have surpassed the US in helping the Haiti relief efforts. The November’s GAO (Government Accountability Office) report titled "Haiti Reconstruction" is a 58 page report on why nothing is happening. Thank heavens for

Our own Eminem rocked the house this week in People’s Choice Awards — we knew you would.

The Detroit Auto Show is happening right now — naias, and American cars are taking a stand. As they should. Foreign imports are becoming more bloated and arrogant than ever. After my Audi dealership charged me $900 to fix a broken wiper I decided that overpaying is better done at Starbucks, at least a hefty green-tea latte is nutritious. So it’s time to roll American. After all, the America Dream did take place in a Chevy: The Red Shark. which is sitting in the barn right now, like Secretariat. 

Locally, we started the campaign to convert at least some of Colorado coal plants to biomass. I conducted the initial interview with Diane Golis and Steve Casey of Holy Cross energy. So happens, they’ve already signed a contract with Eagle Valley Clean Energy near Gypsum, Colorado, to produce some biomass energy for our local 55,000 meters of Holy Cross Energy. Thanks guys! The campaign is on.

With the massive amount of beetle pine in Colorado, we’ll be working together with locals to get some black pellet biomass into those coal plants — good timing with (stalled) Federal Standards for clean air recently passed — another beautiful thing, or things.

Meanwhile, back at the Farm, the vultures are working overtime. With so many protections that Hunter put in place for me, they (the Burns and Levinson trustees) and angry beneficiaries are finding any loophole to annoy me in my own home in hopes of pressuring my sale of Owl Farm. Tensions were so high last week as in Fire-Breathing Dragon high, that I did actually did consider surrendering. But of course, as I look around, being pestered by gnats is not the worst thing in the world. many have it worse, so — yes, we should count our blessings, not our gnats.

And yes, Burns and Levinson law firm does have a scum-of-the-earth reputation, but I’ll defend them here. They’re not scum. They’re just lawyers. And I am friends with many excellent people who happen to be lawyers.

 And the animals are good too. The chickens are great, Athena, Ceasar, Pele etc are all doing well. Jesse will be ready to join the outside peacocks soon, I hope. He still shrieks and yaps when I put him in the pen with the adults who peck at him. But he’s growing so fast, and learning to defend himself, in that elegant, peacock style of fighting, that I can graduate him to the peacock pen soon.

My friends are laughing at me for raising a bird in the house. Although I didn’t choose for his mother to reject him at hatching, I do realize that watching a peacock grow is a privilege. The moniker, King of Birds makes perfect sense. Jesse has all the characteristics of a healthy strong peacock that he simply could not have learned from me. his body and behavior comes from his DNA. He doesn’t sit around contemplating life, and beauty — he just is beauty. Watching him grow is like watching the physical manifestation of music. God’s own music. And for that, we love you, Jesse.

Your Friend in Woody Creek,

Anita Thompson





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