Sean Penn brings Oprah to Haiti
here is a letter that Sean sends to his supporters: Thanks Sean and Oprah…
Last month, J/P HRO and I were privileged to host Oprah Winfrey’s first ever visit to Haiti. It has been shown that the empowerment and education of women is the most powerful tool in the reversal of poverty. Oprah’s unique voice symbolizes this compassionate hope. Haiti will be better for her having visited and the focus of her coverage will bring new attention to the problems plaguing post earthquake Haiti.
Please tune in to watch Oprah’s two part show on Haiti airing Sunday, January 29th 9-10 PM ET and Monday, January 30th 10-11 PM ET. I hope you take pride in the support you have shown to the people you will meet in these episodes of Oprah’s Next Chapter. Thank you for your ongoing support of J/P HRO.
Sean Penn
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