Thank the lord that the military in Cairo did indeed play a role in this morning’s peaceful show of an ocean of people in Tahrir Square. Whether there were behind the scenes talks, show of peaceful human force despite no visible media or a combination of the 21st century of Revolution ingredients. The day starting happily at 6am Owl Farm before a seminar to see waves of people instead of blood. The news throughout the day via blackberry was encouraging.
Tonight, sitting with remote flashing between linkTV where Al Jazeera and Democracy Now! air, it was a stop in the track, hush hush around the room to see Christiane Amanpour — as Hunter would alsways do when she entered the screen from around the word — interviewed on CNN (where she spent 27 years as reporter) by Anderson Cooper. In a few elegant paragraphs, she brought the situation in Cairo to understandable, breathable and human understanding into perspective about her times with Hosni Mubarak, first time with vice pres Omar Suleiman and THE CURRENT RULES FOR CHANGE OF POWER UNDER THE CURRENT CONSTITUTION OF EGYPT.
sorry I have to run. Please check out our heroes Chritiane Amanpour, Amy Goodman’s reporters etc, reporting
best to you,