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checking in from Woody Creek

Hi Guys, I ended up canceling my trip to New Orleans because I got some sort of flu. If I am feeling better by Tuesday, I’ll go to New York for the 1000th Rolling Stone party on Thursday. Doug Brinkley wrote an article for this 1000th issue (coming out May 4th) about the cover of the Hunter S. Thompson Memorial issue. It was one of the highest selling Rolling Stone ever, which doesn’t surprise me. Check out that issue to hear what Doug has to say about it, as it’s quite beautiful. In New York, maybe we should have an impromptu Hunter S. Thompson Reading. If any of you have any suggestions, let me know. I am setting up an incoming box here on the blog. If it’s not up tonight, it should be up in the morning. Doug did have a successful visit with Alex Gibney and his crew at the Archive vault. They are highly professional and take their jobs seriously, as I’m sure you’re happy to hear. So, their project is underway. More on that later. Tom Thurman is wrapping up "Buy the Ticket, Take the Ride" documentary on Hunter as well. I also sent him some great footage of Hunter that I’m sure you will love. I will be going to L.A. in July to help with the film. Yes, we should do a Hunter S. Thompson reading in L.A. too. Okay, Goodnight! Anita Thompson, Woody Creek

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