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Obama Makes a Move Before Friday Bloodbath?

Al Jazeera has just reported that sources from NYTimes have confirmed that Obama administration is indeed making the move via the leverage of US funding of Egyptian military to remove  President Hosni Mubarak and replace him with vice president Omar Suleiman  — along with Commander and Army Field Marshal — running a "transitional government." The situation has spun out of control so quickly that the US was caught like a deer in headlights.

Hossam Baghat, a Human Rights activist reported on Democracy Now today that Mubarak’s military police raided Human Rights group today and seized all sim cards from cell phones, computers, cameras etc. It’s doesn’t appear to be two groups of citizens fighting, it state funded systematic brutality.

It doesn’t make sense that US will support a man, Vice President Omar Suleiman who just named journalists as targets, saying it is them, along with the Muslim Brotherhood that are causing the violence. What am I saying? we’ve supported dictators before, why would our policies change now? And even if they do change, what power does the current administration have over the crisis in Cairo.


The fact that the all journalists, cameras and media outlets have been systematically attacked and removed from Tahrir Square and entrances manned by Mubarak miltary police and hired thugs.  What they are cabable of now that cameras can’t cover their actions?

We saw the images of Tiananmen Square massacre in 198 but now the blackout is in place, we can only hope that an American funded military will be controlled by its funder. 

The images coming out of the square after day 5 were chilling, but the balckout after day 10 is infuriating…

Anita Thompson — glued to the TV 

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