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The Truth Is Easier

Hello. I’m back at home for the weekend. My flight to Denver was uneventful and I drove through the city on the way to the Rocky Mountains under clear skies. There were ominous clouds over the white dusted peaks, but my rented little blue Chevy Cobalt made if just fine through the snowstorm that hit as I crossed Vail pass. By the time I got to Owl Farm, it was indeed a winter wonderland.  Andrew and Jonathan were wearing sweaters and shivering when they got home from the newsroom, but I built a fire that warmed the house, us and the animals within 30 minutes.


But we woke up today to bad news that telecom industries will indeed receive immunity for helping with illegal spying. So The wisdom for today is from Kingdom of Fear from a letter in 2002 that Hunter wrote to the editor of the Independent London. I’m in a foul mood today, and thought about this letter and it made me feel sane again, though not a happy camper:


The news is bad today, in America and for America.  There is nothing good or hopeful about it – except for Nazis, warmongers, and rich greedheads – and it is getting worse and worse in logarithmic progressions since the fateful bombing of the World Trade Towers in New York.  That will always be the festering low-watermark in this nation’s violent history, but it was not the official birthday of the end of the American Century. 
            No. That occurred on the night of the presidential election in the year 2000, when the nexus of power in this country shifted from Washington D.C., to “the ranch” in Crawford, Texas.  The most disastrous day in American history was November 7, 2000.  That was when the takeover happened, when the generals and cops and right-wing Jesus freaks seized control of the White House, the U.S. Treasury, and our Law Enforcement machinery.
            So long to all that, eh? “Nothing will ever be the same again,” the whorish new President said at the time.  “As of now, we are in the grip of a National Security Emergency that will last for the rest of our lives.”
Hunter S. Thompson, Kingdom of Fear.


I’ve come home for the weekend to get some work done on the Woody Creeker (yes, it’s ready, now is a question of the controversial cover, and money to print. But soon come, oh ye of little faith…) I also came home to deal with the topic of my last blog entry. I recently received disturbing photos from the scene of Hunter’s death that turn everything I was told about that day, on its head.  This is not a conspiracy theory issue –don’t worry. It is simply a matter of what I was told and what the photos show. I’m sure there are logical explanations for everything. But, like I said, while maintaining peace, I want answers. And am not afraid to talk about it publicly if I have to – at least not anymore.

I am not obsessed, or more interested than any wife would be in this situation, but I  am continuing on with my life. So, I will keep up  with regular posts: HST wisdom, school work, (this week I am focusing on Karl Marx in one half of my brain, and A Midsummer Night’s Dream on the other…) But as Hunter said, The Truth is Easier, especially in the long run.  


Until next time, your friend,

Anita Thomposn

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