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Fifth Anniversary of Hurricane Katrina

"It’s the recovery that matters." — HST
The anniversary of the Gulf Coast disaster is not going to be a time of easy discussion. Ashley Southal (NYtimes):
NBC will broadcast a special edition of “Meet the Press” live from New Orleans. Senator Mary Landrieu, Democrat of Louisiana, will stop by with her brother, Mitch Landrieu, the mayor of New Orleans. The show’s lineup includes several actors and personalities: Brad Pitt, the actor who founded the Make It Right Foundation after the storm to build affordable, sustainable homes in New Orleans’s Lower Ninth Ward; Wendell Pierce, the New Orleans native who stars in HBO’s “Treme” and is a developer in the Pontchartrain Park neighborhood; Garland Robinette, a local talk radio host; and Douglas Brinkley, the author of “The Great Deluge: Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans and the Mississippi Gulf Coast.” Brian Williams will be the guest host.
("Meet the Press" is seen on the NBC Television Network from 9-10 a.m. ET in most markets. In Washington D.C. and New York City, the broadcast is seen from 10:30-11:30 a.m. ET.)
NPR: GREG ALLEN’s story about the situation, including Aaron Neville’s contribution starts:
Five years after Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans isn’t the city it used to be. The Census Bureau estimates there are now 100,000 fewer people living there than before the storm.

Although the part of the city visitors see — the French Quarter, Uptown, The Garden District — look the same as before, New Orleans still has many challenges ahead.

Despite that, many in New Orleans say things may actually be better than before Hurricane Katrina.
I wish that were true. But let’s check in tomorrow to see what the discussions reveal…

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