Gonzo, Yankees… We is the Most important Word in….
Hello. I’m back home at Owl Farm after a productive week on the East Coast.
After the last post, Jim Caruso and I were graciously invited by my nephew Zack’s Little League Coach George Girardi and his brother Joe Girardi for a fantastic Yankees v. Mets game at the new Yankee stadium with the players and parents who had spent the previous week in Cooperstown Little League tournament. What a sight to see! My first live baseball game surrounded by friends and dedicated players was a thrill. These two brothers – George and Joe Girardi — have the all American sport covered from the kids to the Pros. It was a pleasure to say the least. The score didn’t end up the way we wanted, but it didn’t tamper with the high spirits of the kids. Selah.
Now back at Owl Farm, we are focusing on the launch of the Gonzo Foundation…. Finally! As you may already know, The Gonzo Foundation promotes Journalism, Literature and Political activism through the legacy of our Hunter S. Thompson. Ralph Steadman and his beautiful bride Anna, will be here to make the home run as we launch the summer schedule and the concept that Ralph started with Hunter one night here in the kitchen. I stil remember that night so clearly. Joe Petro, Hunter and I listened to Ralph as he explained why Hunter must start the process of the foundation. He explained what the benefits are, if run properly, would do for the next and current generation of gonzo artists. OH yes! you don’t need to remind me that Ralph and Hunter brought the best out of each other as a team.
So here we are, a few years later, doing just that. As Hunter said We is the Most important word in Politics."
Indeed. Stay tuned for more details. I just wanted to check in before light’s out. And Happy Father’s day to the Dads. We love you.
Speaking of We, Joey Disalvo’s campaign for Sheriff is in full swing. I look forward to seeing Hunter’s dear friend Joe carry on the policy of peace, strength and fairness that is the saving grace of Pitkin County Law Enforcement. We need Joe Disalvo.
Cheers, Anita Thompson