Amor Vincit Omnia
In a world where, According to enrichment journal on the divorce rate in America:
The divorce rate in America for first marriage is 41%
The divorce rate in America for second marriage is 60%
The divorce rate in America for third marriage is 73%
There are a few blessed friends who are raised by a stable, thinking, loving family. I have a friend named Cameron Leonard, who has three amazing siblings who were raised in an elegant family on the Pacific Coast, where the sound of the waves intermingled with family dinners and normal family squabbles. But whatever the environment, the end result was a solid dream-of-America Family.
Cameron and his brother and sisters will be saying, in public, their final public goodbye and thank you to their parents on the same day that I will be hosting the annual NORML legal seminar celebration at Owl Farm. Where both dreams of the American experience – where every family can have a loving mom and dad, and that something like 830,000 people won’t go to jail/prison for smoking pot.
My friend’s name is Cameron Michael Leonard. He is the son of Diane Adel Leonard and James Richard Leonard. All his life, he has been the apple of his mama’s eye and at the same time his father’s worst fears realized!
Tomorrow he will attend a celebration of his parent’s lives. – who died three months apart after decades of marriage. Never has there been a man so proud of sharing their parents name as he.
His father was huge man not only in physical stature but also of heart, never struck him in his entire life, and his mother has never (and I mean never) said an unkind word to him.
Although he misses them terribly, he has nothing but joy in his heart. Attending tomorrow will be the greatest honor one man can have. He will stand as tall as his father and be as kind to his siblings as his mother was to him. For these two gifts he will be forever in their debt. They taught him that true love is still alive and well, and available to all that have the desire to search it out.
Goodbye mama, goodbye to you too old man,
With undying love I thank you.
Your son, Cameron
Tomorrow, Hunter’s chef, Cameron, and go-to guy for other fine cuisine etc., will be on the Pacific Ocean saying thank you and farewell to his parents, while we celebrate the strides NORML has made over the last 40 + years with Keith Stroup at the helm, and now our beloved Allen St. Pierre carries the torch. We’re not there yet guys, but soon come.
With Family Intact, Anything is Possible,
Anita Thompson