New Film in The Works
Along with waking up to the fantastic news that Ralph STEADman and Anna will be coming this summer, I spent a beautiful day with Jennifer and Wayne watching some footage of Hunter that I had never seen before. Being there in that room, while Hunter wrote an espn column, I forgot that Wayne had filmed that (by the way, he had been filming Hunter on a regular basis for about 20 years. Hunter trusted Wayne enormously and it shows, because, thanks to their relationship, there is mind-blowing moments captured by Wayne that have never seen the light of day, except to Hunter and a few of us.
We sat around with what started out as a full box of tissue and cried and laughed at the beautiful man that Hunter was, and continues to be in his work. Wayne Ewing was a blessing in Hunter’s life, along with Hunter’s other treasured friends. And I hope you will be able to see some of the footage that we saw today – click here.
But, as yesterday’s mystery (sort of) poet/musician reminded me in yesterday’s lyrics, we ain’t gonna grieve no more (or only in private) and celebrate Hunter for the snow-leopard he was.
And yes, it was indeed Dylan’s lyrics. Jim Caruso wrote" Those lyrics are by Mr. Robert Allen Zimmerman! No one else has such poetic power…" Hecotr Gomez wrote:DYLAN! lol, just got online and read your post on Owl Farm Blog. I’ve also been reading your previous posts on the BP oil spill in the Gulf. Any word on organized protests, send info. and I’ll join ya. My beautiful South Padre Island is quite a ways off from the spill and most of the local news tells us the currents won’t bring any oil our way, although I think they’re assuming the best case scenario which of course has been anything but so far. I otherwise hope you’re enjoying your summer as am I with a baby boy on his way due August–William Hunter. After William Faulkner, my wife’s favorite writer, and Hunter after my favorite…well, let’s see where did I get that name again 😉 Con Amor y Paz Hector."
So, best wishes to Hector and his wife with William Hunter on the way, and to Jimmy Caruso for inspiring me to get back in touch every day with those who love Hunter.
happy memory day!
with love, Anita Thompson