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Gonzo On Stage courtesy of Slash!

A big thanks to master guitarist Slash for wearing a GonzoWear T shirt on stage with ZZ Top last Friday at the House of Blues! 

Photo Courtesy of Gene Kirkland

Gonzo logo apparel has been showing up everywhere lately: at the House of Blues worn by Slash; a couple times on the small screen on The Discovery Channel’s Mythbusters worn by "Gonzo Engineer" Adam Savage; all over the globe worn by the Colonel Depp; as well as on the big screen worn by Jimmy Buffet in the recent kid’s film Hoot:

Photo courtesy of New Line Cinema and Walden Media.

If you’ve spotted the Gonzo logo being sported by a celebrity, let us know email@owlfarmblog.com!

-Pete B
Gonzo Web Guy
& proud brother of a Columbia Grad!

A big thanks to master guitarist Slash for wearing a GonzoWear T shirt on stage with ZZ Top last Friday at the House of Blues! 

Photo Courtesy of Gene Kirkland

Gonzo logo apparel has been showing up everywhere lately: at the House of Blues worn by Slash; a couple times on the small screen on The Discovery Channel’s Mythbusters worn by "Gonzo Engineer" Adam Savage; all over the globe worn by the Colonel Depp; as well as on the big screen worn by Jimmy Buffet in the recent kid’s film Hoot:

Photo courtesy of New Line Cinema and Walden Media.

If you’ve spotted the Gonzo logo being sported by a celebrity, let us know email@owlfarmblog.com!

-Pete B
Gonzo Web Guy
& proud brother of a Columbia Grad!

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