Many Rooms in the Mansion
My dad, Alex, called me from his home in Kiev (yes, the home of the friendly Orange Revolution) this morning, and asked me who I’m betting on. I said, "The Colts Of course!" He was pleased. This is a big day. Let the game begin!!
Indeed. There are many cruel Rooms in the mansion, and many deep holes in the Road. Keep alert or be stabbed. Of all the shocks and pains that every football season brings, the worst of all is the ending of it. And that is what we face now — this coming Sunday night, in fact, before the midnight bell. There will be no appeal, no extension, no replay. That will be the end of the football season, no matter who complains.
A few geeks will, of course. A few swine always do. No barrel is utterly clean. That would be atmospherically impossible, eh? And rest assured that nothing on this Earth is 100 percent clean. Nothing…. Are you one of these people who honestly believes that Cats are clean? I hope not, because you are riding for a serious fall. Cats are filthy, and they don’t mind passing it around. The smell of a large cat (as in Lion or Tiger) at room temperature in a sea-level house is so powerful and so disorienting as to derail the human brain. The odor of a mountain lion in the wild is far more terrifying than the sight of the beast, even on a frozen night in the snow. It will literally "take your breath away" at 10 or even 20 yards. Your whole nervous system will seize up and be paralyzed, even your lungs. So stay away from all animals that are bigger than you are, especially at night when they are nervous. A brown bear will eat your whole body in 24 hours. Beware.— Hunter S. Thompson, Hey Rube ( Jan 29th, 2002)
Yes! They will beware and the beat the bears today. Hot Damn! I know in my heart (but will bet on them with my brain, of course) that the Colts will win this beautiful game. Hunter turned me on to the Colts a long time ago and I’ve been a fan ever since. I’ll be watching the game not at home, but here in New York. This is the first time in 9 years that I have not spend this day at Owl Farm with friends. But, the fact that the Colts are playing takes some of the sting off.
Oh Hunter! I know he is happy as a clam today. Whooping and cheering for our boys.
Until next time, your friend,
Anita Thompson
p.s. the following is a GREAT EMAIL from Malcolm — will cheer anyone up — a very good writer indeed. Thanks man!
"By Sunday my nerves had gone all to pieces, along with my attitude, and I was sorely in need of a football orgy. The time had come to laugh out loud at something, anything, even a frenzy of subhuman violence like pro football." — HST Hey Rube