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Happy New Year.

Hi. Here’s wishing you a gonzo new year. I’ve been at Owl Farm, practically chained to my laptop finishing the gonzo way. I don’t have a car at the moment, just my 2 siamese cats, 1 german shepherd and 4 peacocks. I lost two females to a monster bob cat who RIPPED the side pannelling off the side of the bird cage while I was in New York (and both care-takers were sleeping). Needless to say, now that I’m back, I have the nickle plated 12 guage, short barreled shotgun out and ready to scare off any other predators that come around.

Cuddling up with my animals and some good books and manuscript by the fire is the way I spent the new Year. And it was great.

You’ll be happy to know I finally found the massive binder of the HST quotes that you sent to the gonzostore.com site. I’ll be posting daily. Here’s the first from Martin Corbin who lives in Merna IL (thanks Martin for the sweet greetings too.)

  “I understand that fear is my friend, but not always. Never turn your back on fear. it should always be in front of you, like a thing that might have to be killed.” — Hunter S. Thompson

Until tomorrow, your friend,

Anita Thompson

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