You’ve Been Ignored.
Oh Dear. I’ve been writing papers and studying for exams for the last 10 days. Someone was supposed to be posting the HST quotes that you submittted to Gonzostore.
I’m on my way to take my last exam of the semester (On Norman Mailer, Allen Ginsberg, Robert Lowell, Sylvia Plath, Toni Morrison, Philip Roth, Kerouac, Dellilo, and others and one non american — Nabokov.) And because all these writers of course make me think of and love Hunter more than ever, I had to check in with you and saw that you’ve been totally ignored all week. I know how it feels, and I’m sorry!!
I’m headed into the exam shortly, then back to my apartment to pack, then to a brief Xmas coctail party at Alex Gibney’s office, then……to JFK headed for Woody Creek for my Xmas break!! Yes! So, I’ll post when I get back to Owl Farm with some of your quotes. I’ll also let you know a bit of what my professor tested us on. I think it will be great.
Your friend, on the home stretch,
Anita Thompson