Our SweetHeart on TV Tonight
1.This is a quick note to let you know that our sweet Hunter will be on Starz (cable channel) tonigth at 10pm Eastern and Pacific. The documentary, Buy The Ticket, Take the Ride by Tom Thurman about Hunter(more of a hollywood take) but it’s good and I think you’ll like it!
2.We have decided to postpone the third volume of Letters until after September of next year, You’ll see why when it comes out.
3. My Gonzo Way book about the Seven Life Lesson I learned from Hunter will actually be out in March.
4. Yes, the HST photo book that recently came out is legit. I have not seen a copy of it yet (for some strange reason), but the man who put it together is named Steve Crist, and he had been working on it before Hunter died, and is VERY GOOD at his work, and I presume it’s fantastic. All the mock-ups and samples that I have at OWl Farm are top-notch.
5. Alex Gibney’s documentary about Hunter is due out next year. I am meeting with the archivist (Don Fleming) this week to go over the audio cataglog of the footage and documents they’ve reviewed for the film. I’ll let you know the progress. They’re also top-notch. As you know from the film Enron
6.Starting tomorrow, Laura Doty (Owl Farm intern) will be posting the HST quotes that many of you submitted on Gonzostore.com every day or so until the begining of JAnuary. I will be posting periodically btwn now and then.
Your friend,
Anita Thompson