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Choctawatchee Bay

So everybody seemed to enjoy the contest. Me too. I love to play. Yes, the quote from yesterday was to Kraig Juenger in 1958 printed in The Proud Highway. Kraig and Hunter had a beautiful love affair in his early life. I’m grateful for all the smart beautiful women that came before me. 
  I would never have enough feathers for everyone who got the correct answer, but Owl Farm intern Liz Yount will be emailing all the participants back in the next few days. I was moved by the amount of people that know Hunter’s work inside & out and fired off the answer within minutes. Bravo. 
  I’ll bring out some political HST wisdom tomorrow. Today, however, I must post one more graf Hunter wrote to the beautiful Kraig Juenger: 

  In the final analysis, I think it is better that we left the ashes of the flame to settle on the white sands of the lonely Gulf Coast beach, where the wind can carry them over the dunes at night and back over the moonlit lowlands and the still waters of the bayous. That way, we are spared the agony of having to fan the flame in the teeming cities of the loud American north, where the mere act of life is so hurried and difficult that no one really has time for love. At least we have a memory unscarred by the horrors of democratic realities. Certainly it is not the typical vacation memory, where you have to forget nine-tenths of everything that happened, in order to enjoy the other tenth. No, it was actually a two-day love, with all the pungent emotion and atmosphere of the timeless ideal. Its ashes still float in the night over the lonely little hamlets of Choctawatchee  Bay
— Hunter S. Thompson, The Proud Highway 


And Guess what? I have a few nuggets of gonzo wisdom from Ralph Steadman. He emailed me a cache of them to post for you periodically. Here are a few, enjoy: 


 “– Far more people have known poverty than riches 
— A lot of nice people is a hell of a lot better than a lot of bad people but only half as interesting. 
–Time passes but we only pass water.” 
–Ralph Steadman, Kent, England. 
Until next time, your friend, 
Anita Thompson 

(p.s. all Ralph’s writing is copyright Ralph Steadman by the way.)

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