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Vestiges of the American Dream

I’m getting used to the NY life.  It’s the polar opposit of the quiet Rocky Mountains around Woody Creek. Despite NY being the fountainhead of intellect, art & high style, the sensory overload can be extremely irritating.  Eight million people live on this tiny island. But all the while, during the stress of looking for an apartment (I did find a gorgeous place) I felt an undercurrent of freedom and happiness.  As I got off the subway and walked down Broadway, suddenly it hit me…  NO CAR!!!  The last time I haven’t needed a car was in Swiss high school which I graduated from in 1991.  I’ve depended on the damn automobile for 15 years!  Yes, I’m homesick for Colorado, but I sure as hell don’t miss the gas pump. For that alone, I love NY.

So I continued down Braodway, popped into a bookstore & skimmed through a quote book that was sitting on the front table.  One grabbed me. It’s a quote by Sarah Bernhardt who died in 1923.

"Your words are as necessary to me as the sunlight and air…. Your words are my food, your breath my wine — you are everything to me."  S.B.

Lovely.  So let’s get to Hunter’s words.  He wrote the following in 2002 about Pres. W. Bush & the fact that he is a dunce, a fool:

This is never an easy thing for the voters of this country to accept. 

No. Nonsense.  The president cannot be a Fool.  Not at this moment in time — when the last living vestiges of the American Dream are on the line.  This is not the time to have bogus rich kid in charge of the White House.

Which is, after all, our house.  That is our headquarters — it is where the heart of America lives.  So if the president lies and acts giddy about other people’s lives — if he wantonly and stupidly endorses mass murder as a logical plan to make sure we are still Number One — he is a Jackass by definition — a loud and meaningless animal with no functional intelligence and no balls.

–Hunter S. Thompson, Kingdom of Fear

Until next time, your friend on foot,

Anita Thompson


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