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Living Like Dolphins

Hello.  We’ve been drinking Champagne all night here at Owl Farm to celebrate the fact that I’ve been accepted to Columbia University to finish my BA. One reason I chose Columbia is because Hunter studied there when he lived in NY.  I have two lovely interns with me named Laura and Liz who came up from Denver University to help me archive and organize everything in Owl Farm including the Woody Creeker as we are wrapping up Hunter’s birthday issue now.  Laura has already catalogued all of Hunter’s vinyl records, which I’ll share with you soon.  But we took a break to toast.

         Along with the most generous letters of recommendation, I have my work experience with Hunter to thank for being accepted to Columbia. So we drink the Champagne for him. And Champagne reminds me of one of my favorite pieces titled Bad Craziness in Palm Beach.  Enjoy:

 I am living the Palm Beach life now, trying to get the feel of it: royal palms and raw silks, cruising the beach at dawn in a red Chrysler convertible with George Shearing on the radio and a head full of bogus cocaine and two beautiful lesbians in the front seat beside me, telling jokes to each other in French…

            We were on our way to an orgy, in a mansion not far from the sea, and the girls are drinking champagne from a magnum we brought from Dunhills, the chic and famous restaurant.  There is a wet parking ticket flapping under the windshield wiper in front of me, and it bores me.  I am giddy from drink, and the lesbians are waving their champagne glasses at oncoming police cars, laughing gaily and smoking strong marijuana in a black pipe as we cruise along Ocean Boulevard at sunrise, living our lives like dolphins….

—Dr. Hunter S. Thompson. Songs of the doomed

Until next time, your friend,

Anita Thompson

Owl Farm, Woody Creek

p.s. (editing this morning at 11am after a chamgane hangover to let you know that I will continue to post as I  commute to NY starting in the fall)

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