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Hey, Thank You Peter, for Gonzo Store!

Here’s a big Thank-You to my dear brother, Peter Bejmuk and Sara Rivedale for managing Gonzostore.com while I went back to University in NYC. Well, I graduated a long time ago, and they were kind enough to cover it still.

 As you may know, Hunter and I started the biz of T-shirts, Jackets, jewelery, hot-pants, (modeled by Hugh Hefner’s own Playboy bunnies) and glasses, etc. Jann Wenner advertised the store for a while, but mainly we have the site up, unadvertised, because people simply want the stuff. I can’t say it’s a big business, but it sure is fun to read people’s comments.

Also, for the girls, the gonzo symbol is a guy magnet — which is fun, from what I hear. And Johnny Depp sporting Hunter’s gonzo bling, that I designed for Hunter, Sean Penn and Benecio Del Toro for a Hey Rube book signing, made it very popular I’m sure — they loved Hunter.

 Anyway, Peter sent the entire inventory back to Owl Farm — literally. Most of the boxes are still in the Red Room. It looks like Santa’s workshop. As we stock the shelves in an office nearby, I thank Peter for the 3 or four years of watching the store, as it were.

Yes, the pendant is back, thanks to Juliana Pfister, and all is well — since I can’t possibly fill orders by candle-light myself, so the few staff members are taking a few weeks. Please be patient. They’ll be putting special gifts in each box for the next few weeks FYI.

And another YES, Evita, now known as Jesse (Evita and Athena sounded too similar, & they were getting confused) is beautiful as ever. It is a peaceable kingdom. Owl Farm is beautiful.

And thank you again, Peter.

Your sister in Woody Creek,

Anita Thompson

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