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Woody Creek, Gonzo, Rob, Doug, James and Dylan — Thanks Guys!

Hello there. Today has been an interesting day. After several weeks of discussions about where I should move the Gonzo office to, I’m happy to say that the office will be back home at the Woody Creek Community Center. Thanks Rob Pew! It’s a wonderful place and guests at the Community Center are family. The question was about another office that was near the river. But, I decided that we can always get our river fix after yoga class and at the Maroon Bells!

That is a good problem to have: how to get find time to spend time in Colorado’s clean rivers. But watching CNN, and reading the papers reminds me once again how far away we are from the crisis in the gulf. But distance is only physical. Presidential historian Douglas Brinkley and James Carville, American political consultant, and attorney, have been teaming up to send the message that we shouldn’t be assuming that BP is on our side. Of course there are many theories on the table. But I do agree with my friends Doug and James.

Anyway, let’s go a different direction and read a bit of what I’m reading now: Bob Dylan’s “Chronicles.” (yes, I’m behind on my stack of good books to read!)

Here’s a quote from page 51:

“I can’t say when it occurred to me to write my own songs. I couldn’t have come up with anything comparable or halfway close to the fold song lyrics I was singing to define the way I felt about the world. I guess it happens to you by degrees. You just don’t wake up one day and decide that you need to write songs, especially if you’re a singer who has plenty of them and you’re learning more every day. Opportunities may come along for you to convert something — something that exists into something that didn’t yet. That might be the beginning of it. Sometimes you just want to do things your way, want to see for yourself what lies behind the misty curtains. It’s not like you see songs approaching and invite them in. It’s not that easy.”
– Bob Dylan, “Chronicles”

Okay, that’s it for now.

Your friend with her nose in Chronicles,
Anita Thompson

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