The Winds of Change
Hello on this early morning at Owl Farm. It’s crisp and cloudy with the first major snow storm on the way. I arrived late Thursday hoping to make it for the Patti and George Stranahan’s going away party. You may have heard they sold their ranch, and have moved to warmer climes, 30 minutes down valley to Carbonale. They tried to move in 1984, but Hunter wouldn’t let them. My initial reaction was denial and tears, but I’m happy for them now and wish them all the best. Besides, I don’t mind the drive down Highway 82, especially now that I have a car!
So, indeed here we are, on Election Day, feeling the winds of change. Good lord, the high frequency vibe that may or may not end this evening is breathtaking.
Voting early on Friday, at county clerks office, I didn’t realize I’d have to stand at the same counter where Hunter and I were married one early morning at about this hour. Standing at the EXACT spot on voting day made me rewind, like a movie, all the events to election day 2000, when Hunter & I, and probably you too, didn’t talk about anything but politics for months. My god. Nobody could have scripted such a miserable beginning to a New Century. But sometimes it takes a while to get the kinks out when you start something new, they say…
Feeling very much alone standing next to that now vacant spot at the marriage license counter, I almost bolted. Then I saw the sweet face of young Mathew Goldstein. His mom, Chris, had stood right there as a witness on that wedding morning. Bizarre. Mathew Smiled and talked about his application process to college. And as he talked, I connected the dots enough to remember, once again, that it’s the young people that are key to our future, right? Hunter communicated with young and old on a level that only a child at heart can do, and thus, Hunter’s spirit was indeed there in the room with us. So, with a lifted spirit, I stuck it out at the counter.
My vote? I simply filled in the mark for Obama — twice. The paper almost soaked through with double marker ink. Ditto our beloved neighbor and county commissioner Michael Owsley who also got Hunter’s, and my vote, through my marker.
And, our gonzo angel from across the pond, Ralph wrote this morning a personal note, and included a message for all us Americans. Ralph put his money on Obama from the very start (with a few ups and downs along the way) and was, as always the most welcome voice to read this morning.
Here is Ralph Steadman writing to you from Kent, England:
America- GO FOR IT!! and bring about the change that will also change the world. Exercise your native intelligence. Lead, if you have to, but remember that you will be demonstrating that real democracy can only work if basic decency fuels the journey. PLEASE AMERICA!! DON’T CHEAT AGAIN!!!
Thanks Ralph!
I’ll be landing at Laguardia tonight, and will be holding my breath the entire flight. The TV screens at the NY terminal will be showing blue blue blue across the map with sweet Doug Brinkley’s face on CBS explaining the historic day! I can see it. And, wherever you are Hunter, I know you can see it too.
Your friend,
Anita Thompson