Hunter S. Thompson’s Gonzo Journalism vs. AP style Journalism
Good morning. I’m spending most of my day at the library learning powerpoint to give a lecture in Denver, tomorrow, at the Lab At Belmar on Gonzo versus AP style (pyramid lead and the 5 Ws vs Gonzo and the 5 Cs)…. If you want tickets, you should get them today. The auditorium only holds 250, and apparently they’ve sold 200+ already. It should be interesting as I’m lecturing after Arthur Jones, a terrific
professor from the University of Colorado at Denver who is talking about MOTOWN, then, we do a Q&A; tag-team after. Links? Coming in the next hour…
Okay. Anita Thompson
3pm update: here are the links as promised:“>The lab at Belmar — starts at 6:30 pm tomorrow.