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Booksigning Pics, Updated Schedule

Hello, Peter B here with an update on the booksigning tour.

The tour events are generating a lot of people and press. Most articles use stock photos, but LAist published some photos that you might like to see of the booksigning at Book Soup in West Hollywood here.  If you have any photographs at any of the booksignings that you’d like to share with us (and possibly with the rest of the world), email them to email@owlfarmblog.com.

Anita apologizes for her tardiness in posting blogs, she promises to post a detailed update when she returns to Owl Farm in the next couple days.  After, of course, she gets her much needed "Ocean Fix" in the warm waters of the Pacific.

There has been a rescheduling of the scheduled Aug 16th booksigning at Olsson’s in Washington, DC.  The event has been moved to Sunday, September 13th.  Update your calendars.

-Peter B

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