Rally At the Capital
Justice is expensive in America. There are no Free Passes… You might want to remember this, the next time you get careless and blow off a few Parking Tickets. They will come back to haunt you the next time you see a Cop car in your rearview mirror. Or if you notice your teenage daughter hanging out with a rotten-looking Skinhead … Ther is no such thing as Paranoia. Your worst fears can come true at any moment… What happpened to Lisl Auman can happen to Anybody in America, and when it does, you will sure as hell need Friends… Take my word for it, folks. I have Been There, and it ain’t Fun.
Thanks again for your help on this. It is good Karm and also very wise.
—Hunter S. Thompson, Hey Rube (Free Lisl Rally May 14th, 2001)
I did attend a rally yesterday at the capital in Denver to commemorate the anniversary of the Free Lisl rally we had for her on May 14th, 2001. To celebrate the success of Hunter’s campaign to free her that started that day, and to remember those innocent children still behind bars, Lisl was there in full force and looked beautiful. She spoke and sang and asked us all to remember the forgotten 45 children who are behind bars today. The rally was put on by the The Pendulum Foundation. and I invite you to familiarize yourself with them — it is an important group that works to get childred out of the criminal justice system. They asked me to speak, so I read a bit out of The Gonzo Way about one of the political lessons Hunter taught me. When it comes to politics — it’s all about WE.
Until Next time, your friend, back at the Farm,
Anita Thompson