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Full-time For My Sweetheart

Hi there.   For some queer reason, I haven’t had anything to say recently, which has never happened in my life.   There is a lot going on, and I’ll slowly catch you up on it.  I’ve just been…well… quiet.  But, it’s nice to be back.

I spent Spring Break at home and it turned into exactly that — a break.  I did absolutely no work aside from working my legs on my snowboard every day with my 9-year-old nephew. We rode at Buttermilk Mountain, the mountain I worked on for several years before I started working for Hunter.  One morning, after a particularly long but productive time helping Hunter all night with the second letters book, we looked at the clock and realized it was 7:30am,  I had to go to work!  So, we hopped in the car, and listened to "spirit in the sky" full blast all the way there on that beautiful crisp morning.  He dropped me off at the door: he almost drove his red jeep into the ski shop.  It was pretty exciting. The hours were such that I ended up quitting that cush job on the mountain shortly thereafter  to work full-time for my sweetheart. 

Now, back in Manhattan, the spring weather is balmy and warm. I’ve had my windows open all day.  Good news: the paper was a success. My professor didn’t throw me off campus, and in fact, I seem to be quite welcome.    I’m reading a book right now (for a class) by Nicholas Lehman called "The Promised Land"  about the great black migration to Chicago from the south and how it changed America. I highly recommend it.

I’ll check back tomorrow after class.  I am flying home again next weekend to retrieve some more home video of Hunter that will be included in a serious documentary about Hunter coming out in the fall by Alex Gibney

Anyway, will check back in tomorrow with wisdom from Shark Hunt. 

 For now, I’ll leave you with my favorite quote of Hunter’s that I’ve probably already shared with you.  Hunter rarely spoke directly about the meaning of life.  He didn’t like to answer vague or generalized boring questions.  But this one he answered as such:

"Learning, that’s what it’s all about."

— Hunter S. Thompson

 Okay. Until tomorrow, your friend, 

Anita Thompson 


p.s. As far as the message board goes, (I will read it this weekend), Peter was going to integrate it into the blog. But before he can do that he has to finish working on gonzostore inventory syncronizing. So, please accpet the lull in the Owl Farm World for now. We do miss you!

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