Genius Skips a Generation
In response to the emails, I just want to say thank you and that I’m doing okay. Yes, Ed is a painful loss and I miss him very much. His wife Patricia Blanchet is a strong and elegant woman and is handling affairs beautifully. In the coming year she is going to learn so much about herself, about a new kind of strength she didn’t even know she had.
Anyway, I’ll be posting in a few hours when I get back from the library — something that Hunter wrote about Ed.
And for your amusement, a bit of what one of my favorite writers said about the father and son.
Talk soon, your friend, Anita Thompson
10am: HI, I got back really late last night and decided to just sleep. but here we go:
Fleeced by Ed Bradley:
I remember one monumentally rotten experience when Ed Bradley strolled into
my parlor on a Saturday afternoon and beat me out of $4,000 green dollars right
in front of my own eyes, in my own kitchen, with all the others watching like
greedy barnyard animals. He flogged me on something like 22 straight side bets
in the course of yet another painful loss to Arizona. It was one of the ugliest
days of my life.
-Hunter S. Thompson, March 11, 2003, ESPN, Hey Rube
(March 11, 2006 is the day Ed did an interview about Hunter coming soon)
Alas, a passage from Maureen Dowd, one of my favorite living writers (Hunter and I shared a crush on her becuase she’s so sharp, funny and good-looking):
Two trusted members of the Bush 41 war council, Mr. Baker and Robert Gates, have been dispatched to discipline the delinquent juvenile and extricate him from the mother of all messes. Mr. Gates, already on Mr. Baker’s “How Do We Get Sonny Out of Deep Doo Doo in Iraq?” study group, left his job protecting 41’s papers at Texas A&M to return to Washington and pry the fingers of Poppy’s old nemesis, Rummy, off the Pentagon."They had to bring in someone from the old gang,” said someone from the old gang. “That has to make Junior uneasy. With Bob, the door is opened again to 41 and Baker and Brent.”
W. had no choice but to make an Oedipal U-turn. He couldn’t let Nancy Pelosi subpoena the cranky Rummy for hearings on Iraq.—Maureen Dowd, NYTIMES