A Hard Rain
"We is the most important word in Politics."
–Hunter S. Thompson
Getting on the plane last night for New York, none of the poll results were in yet, but I knew they’d be flooding in by the time I landed. A five hour flight was all it took.
I arrived in New York during the November Monsoon with news from the Laguardia TV monitors that we did indeed win the House. There was no thunder, just sheets and sheets of beautiful, welcomed rain. It poured all night and all day today. The students at Columbia were dancing in the halls with sopping wet shoes and dripping jeans. News of the Democratic wins of Governorships all around the country was a delight to see on their drenched smiling faces.
By late morning, there were special teams of workers in place, pumping water from the tunnels that was threatening a shutdown of the long-established subway system. As Rumsfeld was axed by noon, our beloved sheriff Bob Braudis was endorsed hands down, by the well-informed voting base of Pitkin County, Colorado. In Denver, Amendment 44 was passed, to the chagrin of the Denver district attorney establishment who liked to lock kids up for years at a time for smoking marijuana.
At 7pm tonight, the rain was still coming down, giving the city the best washing I’ve seen since I’ve lived here, when the news came in about Virginia. Hallelujah. We won back the Senate too.
And then, of course, what a sight to see, the spotlight on the monstrous man whom Hunter called “the goofy child president,” exposed and idiotic. One interesting thing you see here when the rain really floods the city, is that the rats get washed out of their safe dens. They live among us, and in dry weather, when they go unchecked, they multiply under the streets and even infiltrate the foundations of these huge city buildings, until, days like this, when a hard rain falls.
But soon, when the sun comes out and the streets dry up, the carcasses of these rats will be an indication to us as to just how many there were, and what they were up to.
Oh Hunter, I know you are happy today. We are too!! And we love you.
Until next time, your friend,
Anita Thompson