You Twisted Pigfucker
A radio news bulletin says the National Guard is massacring students at Kent State and Nixon is still bombing Cambodia. The journalist is driving, ignoring his passenger who is now nearly naked after taking off most of his clothing, which he holds out the window, trying to wind-wash the Mace out of it. His eyes are bright red and his face and chest are soaked with the beer he’s been using to rinse the awful chemicals off his flesh. The front of his woolen trousers is soaked with vomit; his body is racked with fits of coughing and wild choking sobs. The journalist rams the big car through traffic and into a spot in front of the terminal, then he reaches over to open the door on the passenger’s side and shoves the Englishman out, snarling: "Bug off, you worthless faggot! You twisted pigfucker! [Crazed laughter.] If I weren’t sick I’d kick your ass all the way to Bowling Green — you scumsucking foreign geek. Mace is too good for you. . . We can do without your kind in Kentucky."
Hunter S. Thompson, Scanlan’s Monthly, vol. I, no. 4, June 1970 (The Kentucky Derby is Decadent and Depraved – now in The Great Shark Hunt)
That’s an interesting scene out of another era. Another Era? hmmm?
My advice to you if you are curious about the relationship between the two men described above, is to go to Barnes & Noble this Tues at 7pm at 675 Sixth Ave. Ralph Steadman will be there signing books and talking.Doug Brinkley and I will be there with him. See you there.
Until next time, your friend, who hasn’t forgotten about you, but who is juggling many things at once, and will be posting more frequently very very soon — promise.
Anita Thompson