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Happy Birthday Hunter

Dear Hunter,
It’s 1 am. I’m spending the night in Denver with friends after a wonderful tag team speech with Professor Art Jones. As you know, he spoke on Motown, I spoke on AP vs Gonzo and you. Do you know? Were you there? I find myself fearing your absense again and questioning everything again.

People in the audience love you dearly and was good to be with that kind of crowd — even if it was a LARGE crowd! Lots of interesting discussion and laughter. Oh Hunter. It’s been 3 1/2 years without you. And now, with the election, it’s so hard to make sense of it. I wonder if I’m moving on, or sliding back in my own life, let alone political and media analysis. Jesus. Your voice is so important now. We will deal with your absence as the campaign and life in general come at us.

But now I’m curled up with my laptop under the covers thinking of you and writing to you.

Sweet dreams, I love you and miss you more than ever.

Will check in with readers later,
Love, Anita

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