Spirit of Consumerism
I guess today is "Cyber Monday". Office production goes down all over the country as employees spend time ordering Xmas presents online — more than any other day of the year. In the spirit of capitalism, no doubt some people should go to gonzostore.com.
If you order from the store, you can type an HST quote (in the comments box during checkout) and the girls gift-wrapping the order will include that quote in the box in addition to a poem that Hunter wrote to Johnny Depp about Santa Claus. You can also mention that I said to include some free stickers or something.
I’ll be posting some of the quotes here, and you don’t have to buy anything to send in your HST quote — just type it in a customer service email at Gonzostore.
Remember, gonzostore is a very small operation but I like it because it helps pay some of the bills at Owl Farm.
Okay. I’ll be posting from Shark Hunt tomorrow.
Your friend,
Anita Thompson
p.s. to respond to those of you who have asked about the blog I posted at 3:30 this morning titled "Oh-So-Black-Monday-ish", I changed the title and a bit of the content when my web guy (my little brother) called me and said "Duh!! Anita! It’s not Black Monday, it’s Cyber Monday. You’re confusing it with Black Fiday! Comprende? Hello!!!! Duh!!!" So I changed it hoping that not too many people would notice how "retarded" I am.
p.p.s. I’m exagerating Peter’s words, he’s actually the nicest brother any girl could have.